Sunday, August 18, 2013

Exercise is medicine

As a future doctor-of-physical therapy, I see this with my patients all too much.  They have diabetes, or high blood pressure, or high cholesterol, and they're overweight.  And guess what?  They're taking pills for all of these.  There is an easy solution to all of these problems but not many people want to put in the effort of exercising regularly.  An hour is 4% of your day! Use it to exercise and you will not only feel better, but look better, have more energy, be less depressed, and overall be healthy.  
Today I signed up to be a FitFluential Ambassador.  I feel as a physical therapist and fitness enthusiast, it is my duty to live and promote fitness.  I have a unique opportunity as a PT to promote fitness because I see about 20 patients a day!  That's a lot of lives I can change.  And if they trust me because I got rid of their pain or fixed a problem, they are more likely to listen to what I have to say about long-term fitness.  I am also taking online clients for fitness programs! 
No excuses! Let's get fit!
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends a combination of moderate and vigorous intensity aerobic activities and flexibility exercises 3-5 days per week for healthy individuals, and muscular strength/endurance training 2-3 days per week for healthy individuals.  These are not guidelines for those people who want to compete in figure comps or body build   These are just general guidelines for those who want to be active.  If you want a personalized training program email me or select the Paypal option above! 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Fat Sick and Nearly Dead?

Has anyone seen the movie, Fat Sick and Nearly Dead?  My one friend from school told me about how she was going to do the juice fast.  At first I was like yeah ok thats cool.  But then I started doing my own research.  I checked out the website online and the stories on there were just amazing.  I finally watched it on my kindle, and it was amazing to see the changes in those people.  I decided that I'm going to try a juice fast.  Definitely not as long as the people in the movie but I'd like to make 10 days.  So yesterday, I bought a brand new fancy juicer and all of my fruit and veggies.
This juicer is amazing by the way.  Yesterday I decided to try a few recipes to see what I liked and I quickly found my favorite is: 4 carrots, 2 apples, and half a lemon. So good!

So here I am day 1 with my juice.
My hopes for this juicing is to lose a bit of weight from my vacation this weekend, clear up my skin (which you can see from the picture is not great), and get some energy.  Maybe get rid of my stomach issues? That would be nice.  I'm halfway through day 1 and so far I have a weird taste in my mouth from all the veggies and I'm ridiculously tired.  Hopefully this goes away soon.  I plan on still going to Crossfit tonight!

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Last Day of Class Ever!

Today is my last day of class ever.  After being in college/grad school for 7 YEARS. 

I'm writing this as I sit in my last lecture on interviewing. I can't believe its finally over. It's crazy to think about but I'm ready to get on with the next stage in my life and finally make some money.  I have big plans for the future! I just added a button to the top of my page for customized training programs! Here are my credentials: Bachelors degree in Exercise Science, and a soon-to-be Doctor of Physical Therapy :)
Here's a picture of my abs coming in :) Excuse the messy hair...that's what happens when my hair air-dries.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

So many exciting things going on...

There are so many exciting things going on right now! Today was my last final ever and I keep getting awesome grades on final projects.  I only have one more day of class then I am done with class forever.  I only have two more clinicals then I will be Dr. Ashley :) 7 LONG years of school and working my butt off I am ready to be done.

Today I went back to Crossfit after a short break due to my foot.  The WOD was way harder than it looked:
Max 5 rep push press (95#)
Elizabeth (21/15/9 power clean (75#) + ring dip) 6:32 minutes
60 hollow rock for time (2:07)

It feels great to be back at the gym.  I'm ready to kick my butt into shape now that my school work is done.  I don't have any homework during clinicals so I have no excuses! 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I'm Back!

I realized that I haven’t written in awhile.  I’ve been so busy with grad school that a lot of things had to be pushed to the back burner.  Now that I’m done with all of my coursework in school and all I have left is clinicals, I have so much more time to write on here, work on my health, and spend time with my family and friends.  

I have some big plans for the future!  Recently, Ive decided to work on my health and get fit to eventually compete in a figure show. Crazy I know!!! But I’m so excited! I started training with MSHELL Fitness in April but now I’m ready to give it 110% with the goal of competing in the spring.  Also, I’m going to start writing a healthy cookbook.  I’ve been collecting and trying recipes for years now, so I’m going to put it together in an E-book.  Lastly, I’m going to start designing fitness programs.  I’m finally going to put my Bachelor’s degree in exercise science to work.

  So this morning I woke up late and decided to make some breakfast oatmeal cookies for a quick breakfast!  These are delicious and can be eaten for breakfast, pre workout, or a healthy dessert, if you’re like me and have a huge sweet tooth.

Banana Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies:
  • 1 banana, mashed
  • 1 cup oats
  • 2-3 tbsp nut butter, depending on your taste
  • 1/4 cup dark chocolate chips, because I like to party :)
Mash the banana in a large bowl.  Add oats, nut butter, and chocolate chips, and mix.  Bake on 375 for 10-15 minutes. Makes 6 servings.

Friday, February 8, 2013

I caught the plague

Well my working out is on hold for the time being.  Until after my plague goes away.  That's what I got for my birthday.  The plague.  I missed almost two days of class now.  My throat is on fire and I can't stop coughing.  I woke up in the middle of the night last night and I was actually coughing up stuff.  It was awful.  I haven't been sick in over a year and this is the worst I've been sick in awhile.  I might try some yoga but we will see how I feel. My whole body just aches.

That pretty much sums up how I feel right now.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Today is my birthday!

I ran 5 miles yesterday only since I was still sore from Monday.  Boy am I feeling it today.  I woke up with a sore throat, no voice, and my whole body is sore.  Today's workout is a 20 minute yoga routine and lower body at the gym if I can.  I also need to study for a huge neuro exam that's tomorrow morning.  Yay PT school!
When I think I am totally prepared for an exam:

Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 1 of Official Half-Marathon Training

Strength 3 set of 8-12 each

  • Bench press
  • bent over barbell row
  • dumbbell shoulder press
  • skull crushers
  • barbell curl
  • Various crunches
  • 5 miles
Today is going to be a late workout.  I had class from 8-5:30 today, and I still have a bunch of work to do tonight.  
Wednesday is my birthday and I decided that I want a new pair of running shoes.  What kind of shoes does everyone like? I'm looking at these: Mizuno Wave Rider 16
I tried a pair on at the True Runner store in Shadyside and I absolutely love them! Unfortunately they didn't have this color so I have to order it and wait for them to come in.

I really don't feel like working out I need to remind myself to: