Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I'm Back!

I realized that I haven’t written in awhile.  I’ve been so busy with grad school that a lot of things had to be pushed to the back burner.  Now that I’m done with all of my coursework in school and all I have left is clinicals, I have so much more time to write on here, work on my health, and spend time with my family and friends.  

I have some big plans for the future!  Recently, Ive decided to work on my health and get fit to eventually compete in a figure show. Crazy I know!!! But I’m so excited! I started training with MSHELL Fitness in April but now I’m ready to give it 110% with the goal of competing in the spring.  Also, I’m going to start writing a healthy cookbook.  I’ve been collecting and trying recipes for years now, so I’m going to put it together in an E-book.  Lastly, I’m going to start designing fitness programs.  I’m finally going to put my Bachelor’s degree in exercise science to work.

  So this morning I woke up late and decided to make some breakfast oatmeal cookies for a quick breakfast!  These are delicious and can be eaten for breakfast, pre workout, or a healthy dessert, if you’re like me and have a huge sweet tooth.

Banana Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies:
  • 1 banana, mashed
  • 1 cup oats
  • 2-3 tbsp nut butter, depending on your taste
  • 1/4 cup dark chocolate chips, because I like to party :)
Mash the banana in a large bowl.  Add oats, nut butter, and chocolate chips, and mix.  Bake on 375 for 10-15 minutes. Makes 6 servings.

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