Wednesday, August 7, 2013

So many exciting things going on...

There are so many exciting things going on right now! Today was my last final ever and I keep getting awesome grades on final projects.  I only have one more day of class then I am done with class forever.  I only have two more clinicals then I will be Dr. Ashley :) 7 LONG years of school and working my butt off I am ready to be done.

Today I went back to Crossfit after a short break due to my foot.  The WOD was way harder than it looked:
Max 5 rep push press (95#)
Elizabeth (21/15/9 power clean (75#) + ring dip) 6:32 minutes
60 hollow rock for time (2:07)

It feels great to be back at the gym.  I'm ready to kick my butt into shape now that my school work is done.  I don't have any homework during clinicals so I have no excuses! 

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