Monday, June 20, 2016

Hey guys! Check out my Instagram for updated posts!  Also you can still purchase training programs from this page! Thanks!

Any questions about training email me at

Friday, January 31, 2014

3 week update

It's been about 3 weeks since I completely changed my diet and exercise.  My diet has been much better and easier than I thought.  However, I still struggle when I go to Chris's house because all he wants to eat is pizza and his mom makes cake every other day.  At least my will power is getting stronger!

As far as exercise, I have been making it to the gym every day and running each morning.  I'm going to purchase a spin bike in the near future because running every morning is hard on my legs.  I'm currently fighting shin splints so low impact cardio would be much better!
 This is the bike I'm going to get.  I love that it has Google maps and I can ride anywhere I want!

I also discovered that I hate the taste of protein powder mixed with milk or water.  I decided to try About Time's pumpkin spice protein, so we will see how that goes.  I love that it has no carbs and is all natural.  I've been struggling to find a protein powder that I actually like.  Most make me sick to my stomach.
Here's an update picture from when I started to now.  Not much of a change quite yet but I feel much better!  I've been wearing my Zensah compression sleeves for my shin splints.  They help so much.

On Wednesday I took my board exam for physical therapy.  Super hard and I had a migraine during the test.  But at least it's over.  I have to wait until next week to find out how I did.  My friend and I decided to celebrate after by getting coffee and Mrs Field's.  But now I'm back on track and ready to lose more weight!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Fell off the Fitness Wagon

So I fell of the wagon. Who hasn't?
The holidays were great, but horrible for my diet. 

Now my brother's wedding is about 11 weeks away and I'm the heaviest I've ever weighed.
Time to buckle down. I have a brand new diet/workout plan that I've been sticking to since I started on Sunday.  

I'm more sore than I ever have been in my life haha. But I'm sticking to it. 
I won't be the biggest bridesmaid. I just won't. I can't.

So join me in my transformation. I'm also doing the Advocare 24 day challenge and offering prizes!!!! to anyone who joins! Email me for details about the challenge -->

I'm hoping to lose 20 pounds by the wedding April 4. 
I started Sunday and so far I've lost 4 pounds. 

I am NOT allowed to get discouraged! I must give myself at least 6 weeks before I really start to see/feel a difference. 

Today I woke up feeling extremely unmotivated. I didn't even want to walk down the stairs to my treadmill.
But I put on my fun Nike Pros and exercised anyway. 

Because that's when it's most important.

I can't wait until this is my "before" photo 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Exercise is medicine

As a future doctor-of-physical therapy, I see this with my patients all too much.  They have diabetes, or high blood pressure, or high cholesterol, and they're overweight.  And guess what?  They're taking pills for all of these.  There is an easy solution to all of these problems but not many people want to put in the effort of exercising regularly.  An hour is 4% of your day! Use it to exercise and you will not only feel better, but look better, have more energy, be less depressed, and overall be healthy.  
Today I signed up to be a FitFluential Ambassador.  I feel as a physical therapist and fitness enthusiast, it is my duty to live and promote fitness.  I have a unique opportunity as a PT to promote fitness because I see about 20 patients a day!  That's a lot of lives I can change.  And if they trust me because I got rid of their pain or fixed a problem, they are more likely to listen to what I have to say about long-term fitness.  I am also taking online clients for fitness programs! 
No excuses! Let's get fit!
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends a combination of moderate and vigorous intensity aerobic activities and flexibility exercises 3-5 days per week for healthy individuals, and muscular strength/endurance training 2-3 days per week for healthy individuals.  These are not guidelines for those people who want to compete in figure comps or body build   These are just general guidelines for those who want to be active.  If you want a personalized training program email me or select the Paypal option above! 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Fat Sick and Nearly Dead?

Has anyone seen the movie, Fat Sick and Nearly Dead?  My one friend from school told me about how she was going to do the juice fast.  At first I was like yeah ok thats cool.  But then I started doing my own research.  I checked out the website online and the stories on there were just amazing.  I finally watched it on my kindle, and it was amazing to see the changes in those people.  I decided that I'm going to try a juice fast.  Definitely not as long as the people in the movie but I'd like to make 10 days.  So yesterday, I bought a brand new fancy juicer and all of my fruit and veggies.
This juicer is amazing by the way.  Yesterday I decided to try a few recipes to see what I liked and I quickly found my favorite is: 4 carrots, 2 apples, and half a lemon. So good!

So here I am day 1 with my juice.
My hopes for this juicing is to lose a bit of weight from my vacation this weekend, clear up my skin (which you can see from the picture is not great), and get some energy.  Maybe get rid of my stomach issues? That would be nice.  I'm halfway through day 1 and so far I have a weird taste in my mouth from all the veggies and I'm ridiculously tired.  Hopefully this goes away soon.  I plan on still going to Crossfit tonight!

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Last Day of Class Ever!

Today is my last day of class ever.  After being in college/grad school for 7 YEARS. 

I'm writing this as I sit in my last lecture on interviewing. I can't believe its finally over. It's crazy to think about but I'm ready to get on with the next stage in my life and finally make some money.  I have big plans for the future! I just added a button to the top of my page for customized training programs! Here are my credentials: Bachelors degree in Exercise Science, and a soon-to-be Doctor of Physical Therapy :)
Here's a picture of my abs coming in :) Excuse the messy hair...that's what happens when my hair air-dries.